251+ CorelDraw Shortcut Keys: x3, x5, x6, x7 – 2021

Shortcut keys, also known as keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, are combinations of keystrokes that perform a specific action within a software program.

CorelDraw shortcut keys

Coreldraw is equipped with pre-set shortcut keys that enable graphic designers to expedite artwork creation, allowing them to concentrate on design rather than navigating through menus, toolboxes, and bars.

Here’s the complete list of shortcut tools for all the CorelDraw versions starting from X3 to 2021.

CorelDraw Shortcut Keys

Complete list of CorelDraw keyboard shortcuts.

Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl+EAdd number ending value (Ctrl+E)
Ctrl+SAdd number starting value (Ctrl+S)
Alt+0Add to Selection Group 0
Alt+1Add to Selection Group 1
Alt+2Add to Selection Group 2
Alt+3Add to Selection Group 3
Alt+4Add to Selection Group 4
Alt+5Add to Selection Group 5
Alt+6Add to Selection Group 6
Alt+7Add to Selection Group 7
Alt+8Add to Selection Group 8
Alt+9Add to Selection Group 9
BAlign Bottom
CAlign Centers Horizontally
EAlign Centers Vertically
LAlign Left
RAlign Right
TAlign Top
Ctrl+Shift+APrecisely position objects in relation to each other or to specific locations on the page.
Alt+F12Align to Baseline
Alt+Shift+AEnable or disable alignment guides.
IAdd artistic brush, spray, and calligraphic effects by using freehand strokes.
Ctrl+PgDnMove object one level down in the stacking order.
Ctrl+BMake the text bold.
Ctrl+BMake the text bold.
Ctrl+KBreak the object apart to create multiple objects and paths.
Alt+XBreak the symmetry link to create a group of objects and paths.
Ctrl+EnterBring up Property Bar
Ctrl+MAdd or remove bulleted-list formatting.
Ctrl+ECenter text within the bounding box.
Ctrl+ECenter text within the bounding box.
PCenter to Page
Shift+F3Change Case
Shift+F3Change Case
Alt+CClose Print Preview
Alt+F4Close Print Preview
Ctrl+F4Close Window
Ctrl+Shift+BColor Balance
Ctrl+F6Open the Color Styles docker.
Ctrl+EnterColumn/Frame Break
Ctrl+EnterColumn/Frame Break
Ctrl+LCombine objects into a single object with common properties.
Ctrl+DConfigure Columns
Ctrl+CContinually increment value
Ctrl+CContinually increment value
Ctrl+F9Contour Docker Window
Ctrl+F8Convert Text
Ctrl+Shift+QConvert outline to object
Ctrl+QAllow the object to be modified by using the shape tools.
Ctrl+CPlace copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
Ctrl+InsertPlace copies of one or more objects on the Clipboard.
Ctrl+JCorelDRAW Options
Alt+SCreate and add objects to a symmetry group, or convert an existing curve to a symmetry group.
CCrop image
Ctrl+XMove one or more objects to the Clipboard.
Shift+DeleteMove one or more objects to the Clipboard.
Ctrl+0Define Selection Group 0
Ctrl+1Define Selection Group 1
Ctrl+2Define Selection Group 2
Ctrl+3Define Selection Group 3
Ctrl+4Define Selection Group 4
Ctrl+5Define Selection Group 5
Ctrl+6Define Selection Group 6
Ctrl+7Define Selection Group 7
Ctrl+8Define Selection Group 8
Ctrl+9Define Selection Group 9
DeleteDelete Character to Right
DeleteDelete Character to Right
Ctrl+DeleteDelete Word to Right
Ctrl+DeleteDelete Word to Right
Ctrl+1Displays an image at normal size
Ctrl+1Displays an image at normal size
F4Displays an image to fit in the window
F4Displays an image to fit in the window
F4Displays an image to fit in the window
Shift+BDistribute Bottom
Shift+EDistribute Centers Horizontally
Shift+CDistribute Centers Vertically
Shift+LDistribute Left
Shift+RDistribute Right
Shift+PDistribute Spacing Horizontally
Shift+ADistribute Spacing Vertically
Shift+TDistribute Top
Alt+YAlign objects with the document grid.
Ctrl+DDuplexing Setup Wizard…
Alt+Shift+DAlign objects with other objects by using dynamic guidelines.
Alt+Shift+YEdit symmetry properties, and add objects to the symmetry group.
Ctrl+Shift+TModify text by using a text editor.
Ctrl+SEdit number starting value (Ctrl+S)
Ctrl+EEdit number ending value (Ctrl+E)
F7Draw circles and ellipses by dragging in the drawing window.
Alt+_Em Dash
Alt+_Em Dash
Ctrl+Shift+MEm Space
Ctrl+Shift+MEm Space
Alt+-En Dash
Alt+-En Dash
Ctrl+Shift+NEn Space
Ctrl+Shift+NEn Space
Ctrl+F7Envelope Docker Window
XRemove unwanted areas in a drawing.
Ctrl+AExpand Selection
Ctrl+AExpand Selection
Ctrl+ESave a duplicate of the document to a different file format.
Ctrl+FFind and Replace
Alt+F3Find and Replace Text
Alt+Shift+EExit the Edit Symmetry mode.
Ctrl+Shift+FChoose a typeface for new or selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+FChoose a typeface for new or selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+PSpecify the font size.
Ctrl+NUMPAD2Font Size Decrease
Ctrl+NUMPAD2Font Size Decrease
Ctrl+NUMPAD2Font Size Decrease
Ctrl+NUMPAD8Font Size Increase
Ctrl+NUMPAD8Font Size Increase
Ctrl+NUMPAD8Font Size Increase
Ctrl+NUMPAD6Font Size Next Combo Size
Ctrl+NUMPAD6Font Size Next Combo Size
Ctrl+NUMPAD6Font Size Next Combo Size
Ctrl+NUMPAD4Font Size Previous Combo Size
Ctrl+NUMPAD4Font Size Previous Combo Size
Ctrl+NUMPAD4Font Size Previous Combo Size
Ctrl+Shift+WChoose a font style for the text.
Ctrl+Shift+WChoose a font style for the text.
Ctrl+HAlign all text with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Ctrl+HAlign all text with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Ctrl+PgUpMove object one level up in the stacking order.
F11Fill an object with a gradient of colors or shades.
F5Draw curves and straight line segments.
Ctrl+JAlign all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Ctrl+JAlign all text, excluding the last line, with both the left and right sides of the bounding box.
Ctrl+UFull Screen
F9Full Screen
F9Show a full-screen preview of the document.
Ctrl+F11Explore characters, glyphs, and OpenType features within fonts.
Ctrl+GGo To…
DDraw a grid.
Ctrl+GGroup objects while preserving their individual attributes.
Align objects with guidelines in the document.
Ctrl+Shift+HHTML Font Size List
Ctrl+F1Help Topics…
Ctrl+,Changes the text to horizontal direction
Ctrl+MImport File…
Ctrl+IImport a file into the active document.
GDynamically apply the current fill to an object in the drawing window.
Ctrl+IMake the text italic.
Ctrl+IMake the text italic.
Ctrl+Shift+JJoin Curves
Ctrl+LAlign text with the left side of the bounding box.
Ctrl+LAlign text with the left side of the bounding box.
Alt+F3Lens Docker Window
SSketch naturally and fluidly with intelligent stroke adjustment.
Ctrl+MMerge cells into one cell.
MFill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over a mesh grid.
Ctrl+DnArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Down
Ctrl+LeftArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Left
Ctrl+RightArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Right
Ctrl+UpArrowMicro Nudge Anchor Up
Ctrl+DnArrowMicro Nudge Down
Ctrl+LeftArrowMicro Nudge Left
Ctrl+RightArrowMicro Nudge Right
Ctrl+UpArrowMicro Nudge Up
Alt+Shift+MCreate identical shapes mirrored on a set of planes.
DnArrowMove Down
PgDnMove Down 1 Frame
PgDnMove Down 1 Frame
DnArrowMove Down 1 Line
DnArrowMove Down 1 Line
Ctrl+DnArrowMove Down 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+DnArrowMove Down 1 Paragraph
LeftArrowMove Left
LeftArrowMove Left 1 Character
LeftArrowMove Left 1 Character
Ctrl+LeftArrowMove Left 1 Word
Ctrl+LeftArrowMove Left 1 Word
RightArrowMove Right
RightArrowMove Right 1 Character
RightArrowMove Right 1 Character
Ctrl+RightArrowMove Right 1 Word
Ctrl+RightArrowMove Right 1 Word
UpArrowMove Up
PgUpMove Up 1 Frame
PgUpMove Up 1 Frame
UpArrowMove Up 1 Line
UpArrowMove Up 1 Line
Ctrl+UpArrowMove Up 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+UpArrowMove Up 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+HomeMove to Beginning of Frame
Ctrl+HomeMove to Beginning of Frame
HomeMove to Beginning of Line
HomeMove to Beginning of Line
Ctrl+PgUpMove to Beginning of Text
Ctrl+PgUpMove to Beginning of Text
Ctrl+EndMove to End of Frame
Ctrl+EndMove to End of Frame
EndMove to End of Line
EndMove to End of Line
Ctrl+PgDnMove to End of Text
Ctrl+PgDnMove to End of Text
Ctrl+NStart a new document.
PgDnNext Page
Ctrl+Shift+-Non-breaking Hyphen
Ctrl+_Non-breaking Hyphen
Ctrl+Shift+-Non-breaking Hyphen
Ctrl+_Non-breaking Hyphen
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceNon-breaking Space
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceNon-breaking Space
Ctrl+NDo not align text with the bounding box.
Ctrl+NDo not align text with the bounding box.
DnArrowNudge Anchor Down
LeftArrowNudge Anchor Left
RightArrowNudge Anchor Right
UpArrowNudge Anchor Up
DnArrowNudge Down
LeftArrowNudge Left
RightArrowNudge Right
UpArrowNudge Up
Ctrl+F5Open the Object Styles docker.
Alt+ZAlign objects with other objects in the document.
Ctrl+OOpen ODBC Data Source…
Ctrl+OOpen an existing document by browsing to the folder where the document is located.
Ctrl+-Optional Hyphen
Ctrl+-Optional Hyphen
Shift+F12Choose the outline color by using color viewers and color palettes.
F12Set outline properties such as line thickness, corner shape, and arrow type.
HDrag hidden areas of a drawing into view without changing the zoom level.
Alt+DnArrowPan Down
Alt+LeftArrowPan Left
Alt+RightArrowPan Right
Alt+UpArrowPan Up
HPan tool
HPan tool
HPan tool
Ctrl+VPlace the Clipboard contents in the document.
Shift+InsertPlace the Clipboard contents in the document.
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste in View
Alt+PDraw curves in segments, and preview each segment as you draw.
YDraw polygons by dragging in the drawing window.
PgUpPrevious Page
Alt+OPrint Options
Ctrl+TPrint This Sheet Now
Ctrl+PChoose printing options, and print the active document.
Alt+EnterAllows the properties of an object to be viewed and edited.
0-9Recall Selection Group 0-9
Ctrl+Shift+RRecord Temporary Script
F6Draw squares and rectangles by dragging in the drawing window.
Ctrl+Shift+ZReapply the last undone action.
Ctrl+Shift+ZRedoes the last undo operation
Alt+Shift+SRevert primary objects to basic objects, and delete all object copies.
Ctrl+RRepeat / Reset
Ctrl+ZReverses the last operation
Ctrl+RAlign text with the right side of the bounding box.
Alt+F8Specify the object’s rotation.
Alt+Shift+RShow or hide the rulers.
Ctrl+Shift+PRun Temporary Script
Ctrl+Shift+ESample a color from the desktop to apply to the selected nodes.
Ctrl+Shift+SSave As…
Ctrl+SSave Data Source…
Ctrl+ASave Print Style As…
Alt+F9Resize the object by specifying a percentage, and mirror the object.
Alt+F11Open a script for VBA editing.
Alt+Shift+F11Create, load, and manage script projects.
Ctrl+ASelect All Anchors
Shift+DnArrowSelect Down
Shift+PgDnSelect Down 1 Frame
Shift+PgDnSelect Down 1 Frame
Shift+DnArrowSelect Down 1 Line
Shift+DnArrowSelect Down 1 Line
Ctrl+Shift+DnArrowSelect Down 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+DnArrowSelect Down 1 Paragraph
Shift+LeftArrowSelect Left
Shift+LeftArrowSelect Left 1 Character
Shift+LeftArrowSelect Left 1 Character
Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrowSelect Left 1 Word
Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrowSelect Left 1 Word
Shift+RightArrowSelect Right
Shift+RightArrowSelect Right 1 Character
Shift+RightArrowSelect Right 1 Character
Ctrl+Shift+RightArrowSelect Right 1 Word
Ctrl+Shift+RightArrowSelect Right 1 Word
Shift+UpArrowSelect Up
Shift+PgUpSelect Up 1 Frame
Shift+PgUpSelect Up 1 Frame
Shift+UpArrowSelect Up 1 Line
Shift+UpArrowSelect Up 1 Line
Ctrl+Shift+UpArrowSelect Up 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+UpArrowSelect Up 1 Paragraph
Ctrl+ASelect all objects
Ctrl+Shift+HomeSelect to Beginning of Frame
Ctrl+Shift+HomeSelect to Beginning of Frame
Shift+HomeSelect to Beginning of Line
Shift+HomeSelect to Beginning of Line
Ctrl+Shift+PgUpSelect to Beginning of Text
Ctrl+Shift+PgUpSelect to Beginning of Text
Ctrl+Shift+EndSelect to End of Frame
Ctrl+Shift+EndSelect to End of Frame
Shift+EndSelect to End of Line
Shift+EndSelect to End of Line
Ctrl+Shift+PgDnSelect to End of Text
Ctrl+Shift+PgDnSelect to End of Text
Ctrl+Shift+HAllow the object to snap to itself when moving.
F10Edit a curve object or text character by manipulating nodes.
Ctrl+HShow Current Tile
Ctrl+Shift+CNon-printing Characters
Ctrl+Shift+CNon-printing Characters
Alt+Shift+PShow object copies as outlines or full objects.
Ctrl+Shift+GShow unselected nodes with fill
Alt+F10Specify the dimensions of the object.
Ctrl+Shift+KSmall Capitals
Ctrl+Shift+KSmall Capitals
Shift+SConvert freehand strokes to basic shapes or smoothed curves.
Alt+QTurn off all snapping. Click again to restore selected snapping options.
ADraw symmetrical and logarithmic spirals.
Ctrl+Shift+DShow Step and Repeat docker
Ctrl+Shift+OStop recording the script.
Ctrl+Shift+SStyle List
Ctrl+Shift+SStyle List
Shift+DnArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Down
Shift+LeftArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Left
Shift+RightArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Right
Shift+UpArrowSuper Nudge Anchor Up
Shift+DnArrowSuper Nudge Down
Shift+LeftArrowSuper Nudge Left
Shift+RightArrowSuper Nudge Right
Shift+UpArrowSuper Nudge Up
Ctrl+F3Symbols Docker
DeleteDelete the selected table
Ctrl+TEdit paragraph and artistic text properties.
F8Add and edit paragraph and artistic text.
Ctrl+F10Text Options
Ctrl+F10Text Options
Shift+PgDnMove object to the bottom of the stacking order.
Ctrl+EndMove the object to the back of the page.
Shift+PgUpMove object to the top of the stacking order.
Ctrl+HomeMove the object to the front of the page.
CToggle the selected nodes between cusp and smooth.
LToggle the selected nodes between a line and curve segment.
Ctrl+SpaceToggle Pick State
SToggle the selected nodes between smooth and symmetrical.
Shift+F9Toggle View
Ctrl+Shift+ISwitch between the main and the secondary preview color.
Alt+F7Specify the object’s position on the drawing page.
Ctrl+UUnderline the text.
Ctrl+UUnderline the text.
Alt+BackspaceCancel the previous action.
Ctrl+ZCancel the previous action.
Ctrl+UBreak a group into individual objects or groups.
Shift+F11Choose a solid fill color for an object by using color palettes, color viewers, color harmonies, or color blends.
Ctrl+Shift+DAdd or remove a drop cap.
Ctrl+Shift+DAdd or remove a drop cap.
Ctrl+.Changes the text to vertical
Ctrl+VView Single Record
Ctrl+F2Views docker
Alt+Shift+F12Visual Studio Editor…
Shift+F1Invokes context sensitive Help
ZChange the magnification level of the document window.
Ctrl++Increase the magnification level to view more detail.
Ctrl+=Increase the magnification level to view more detail.
Ctrl+NUMPAD+Increase the magnification level to view more detail.
Ctrl++Zoom In
Ctrl+=Zoom In
Ctrl+NUMPAD+Zoom In
F2Zoom One-Shot
Ctrl+-Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document.
Ctrl+NUMPAD-Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document.
Ctrl+_Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document.
F3Decrease the magnification level to view a larger portion of the document.
Ctrl+-Zoom Out
Ctrl+NUMPAD-Zoom Out
Ctrl+_Zoom Out
F3Zoom Out
F4Adjust the magnification level to include all objects
Shift+F4Adjust the magnification level to fit the entire page.
Shift+F2Magnify only the selected object.
F2Zoom in
F3Zoom out
F4Zoom to Fit
Shift+F4Zoom to Page
Shift+F2Zoom to Selection
Ctrl+Alt+Space¼ Em Space

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