
How to Make a Girl Want You More

One quality conversation with a girl is enough to build the chemistry you need. The problem is, we have done the wrong thing for too long to notice what is pulling our legs.

Make a girl want you more

One quality conversation with a girl is enough to build the chemistry you need. The problem is, we have done the wrong thing for too long to notice what is pulling our legs. If you are reading this post, I assume you need that one key to unlock her heart to want you more.

Practice and be brave, stop worrying about looking cheap. Call or text after getting her number. Inspire yourself daily, you need energy to be creative to win a girl.

1. Forget Pickup Lines and Be Authentic

“When a guy is too focused on “getting me” or “getting my attention” I feel it instantly. Makes me pull back and put up barriers” Wing Girl Jen.

Don’t be hard on yourself. Be original, preserve integrity. Let go of those lifeless, static lines which mightn’t be a great fit for your girl.

“I do not like tricks. I do not like pick-up lines. They are disingenuous and impermanent. I believe in honesty.
I believe in packaging oneself in the best possible way, in utilizing what you already have to attain optimal results.

I believe in being the best version of yourself you can be. With honesty comes longevity,” says Marni Kinrys, author of the ultimate wing girl.

2. Don’t Act Needy or Nervous When You Talk to Her

According to Marni Kinrys, women do not care about your words, at least not in the first 10 seconds.

What do they then care about? Women are attracted to how you feel when you say what you say, Kinrys.

This means that, when you want a girl to take you serious and place value on your words, you must not be nervous while you talk to her. You must be bold and you shouldn’t come needy.

“If you are calm, cool, collected, and confident, it gives you two more minutes of our time,” Marni Kinrys.

3. Stop Being Outcome Focused Be in the Conversation

Instead of driving hardly at a result which eventually makes you needy and nervous, be present in the conversation.

When you talk with a girl, don’t make it lets get this over with, rather, make the purpose the second thought and communication the primary focus.

The rule is simple: learn to listen, engage and be present. Talk natural, almost about anything and mind your body language.

4. Make Your Conversation Have Value

When conversations have value, they generate interest, then both parties participate and when they do, conversations tend to last longer. Because they are not one sided.

The surest way to achieve this is expanding and elaborating your topics with explanations and reasons.

Why you chose to study law, why you moved to New York, how you handle situations in overcrowded places, how you went from zero to hero etc.

“The ‘why’ is the important part to women because it carries an emotion, and emotions are what women look for in a conversation,” says Kinrys.

When you master this way of communicating, you can get her attention easily. It will cause her to speak in a like manner as she talks about herself even if you don’t ask open-ended questions because you set the ball rolling.

In a nutshell, this is not about you, it is about her. It is about how she gets lightened and excited by talking to you. This is what keeps you in her mind.

Listen to the wise: “As long as you attach an emotion to a topic, are present, and remember to include her in the conversation, you have free range to talk about anything!” Marni Kinrys.

5. Compliment Her the Right Way

Before you compliment a girl, think of these things listed by Marni Kinrys below. Answering these questions honestly will change how you perceive compliments and it will teach you a better way of doing it.

Listen to the wise:

  • Am I complimenting to get something? – If your answer is yes, then do not compliment.
  • Am I complimenting to fill space so that there is no silence – If your answer is yes, then do not compliment.
  • Am I complimenting because I do not know what else to say – If your answer is yes, then do not compliment.
  • Am I complimenting so that I can stay in conversation – If your answer is yes, then do not compliment.
  • Am I complimenting to make her like me more – If your answer is yes, then do not compliment.
  • The above questions are valid to consider when next you compliment a girl and doing it the right way with produce massive result.

Listen to the wise:

“Here is a better way to compliment if you want to say you are beautiful, ‘I know most men can see you’re a good-looking woman, but I think your real beauty shows once you start to speak.’”

Sounds like a pickup line? Well whatever you call it or it sounds to you. What I want you to learn from this example is being present in the conversation.

Marni is teaching us to avoid giving vague compliments which carry no meaning. Like, “you are beautiful” guess what? She heard it a thousand times. It doesn’t weigh anymore.

Worse of all, it may sound dishonest and empty. What value has a compliment if its not honest? Saying compliments that applies to the girl in question creates emotion and wins you points.

6. Make Her Feel Special

This may be different from the traditional message you hear all the time about making women special.

They are also valuable, but that’s not what I’m referring to here. First impression is a song every romantic post and book sings. It cannot be over emphasized.

When you first approach a lady to take her contact, note that there is no right or wrong method of going about it. But some aspects of certain methods may leave great first impression than others.

Those methods make the girl feel special and respected. It makes her put a badge on your chest. Girls don’t want losers taking their contacts, they want heroes not zeroes.

When you see a girl you are interested in, approach her, ask for her contact without wasting your entire day, if there’s nothing important to discuss.

If you are in the middle of something, let her know, and tell her how you’ll like to hook up with her sometime (for a coffee or a walk or movie or whatever). Ask for the number. Hand over the phone to her to add her contact and name.

That’s being proactive, masculine and super attractive. You see it as Clark Kent rushing through the walls, yes you are right. Girls love magic. The exact reason she’ll hold you in high esteem.

One, it tells her you have a lot on your plate, which she translates as responsible man, two, you respect yourself and you are confident, three, apart from having something important to do, you still make time for her.

The last part is the magic, it is what makes her feel special, a princess among girls, queen among women, attractive girl among girls, and one in a million.

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