
Sweet Long Messages After Making Love

According to Doug Fields, marriages usually don’t collapse overnight. They become bankrupt gradually because they lack daily deposits of love, communication, and affirmation. Romantic messages can bring back the romance, fun, and joy in your relationship.

Sweet long messages after making love

Sweet long messages after making love is my gift to couples that want to share their sensual feelings with their partners after making love.

One thing that comes naturally to me is expressing admiration for women’s beauty. Sometimes it’s playful, other times it’s genuine praise.

Because I do it frequently, my friends have come to associate me with this trait. Before long, they began seeking advice on what to say to their crushes, post-sex messages, and other romantic exchanges.

I found myself curious about the effectiveness of these approaches. Surprisingly, they proved to be successful, albeit through trial and error.

Consequently, I began composing romantic messages during my spare moments. Occasionally, I’ll reach out to female friends with these messages to gauge their reactions.

Over time, I’ve compiled numerous lists of these messages and I’m eager to share them with you. After all, not everyone has the time or inclination to craft such romantic expressions.

Let’s get started.

Sweet Long Messages After Making Love

  1. The world does position things where they belong, everything about you is placed at the right location. It is what makes you the most beautiful girl.
  2. You are my greatest inspiration.
  3. You have a very tender heart, soft spoken like nature, shy like baby.
  4. You possess qualities I can’t give up on and watch you leave without a fight.
  5. Our first date felt like a reminiscent experience of being a college freshman. It was our initial encounter, with a sense of excitement and unfamiliarity. Strangers in a rush, fumbling with buttons and zippers.
  6. Being with you feels like discovering a masterpiece in a world of ordinary.
  7. It was an intense experience, and I feel a bit shy about how I let my guard down without playing hard to get. I enjoyed what you did with me.
  8. Cuddling, kissing, laughing and pillow fighting are the things that make it hard for me to forget you when you travel.
  9. Your presence lights up even the darkest corners of my soul.
  10. We are good together.
  1. Every time I look at you, I’m reminded of the beauty that exists in this world.
  2. You are the melody to my heart’s song, the muse to my every thought.
  3. In your eyes, I see galaxies of dreams and oceans of passion. Your gaze is a universe I could explore endlessly, finding new wonders with every glance.
  4. I want to be the reason for the smile that dances on your lips, the warmth that fills your heart, and the joy that lights up your eyes.
  5. In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, you are my constant. Your love is the anchor that keeps me grounded, the compass that guides me home. With you, I have found my sanctuary.
  6. The stars are up, crickets singing, watching the shadows of lovers dance through my window. This is too much to take knowing you are not around to run to. Safe journey my love.

Poems for Your Love

As said in my introduction, I love writing romantic messages for women. The poems below are poems I’ve written for friends.

Before you begin to read, let me share a funny story with you about the first poem on the list “The Painless Mountain.”

A few years ago, I stopped by a friend’s store. Across the street, a familiar face from the neighboring shop caught my eye as she walked by.

Inspired by her presence, I opened my phone’s notebook and began crafting a poem. In this spontaneous creation, I likened her elegance to a painless mountain, a playful reference to her buttocks.

After a brief moment, I called her over and handed her my phone to read the verse. Upon her return, my phone was absent.

Her boyfriend requested my presence in his shop, visibly tense. As I entered, he asked me to explain the message and its intent.

So, I proceeded to clarify. Eventually, he revealed how he stumbled upon the poem.

He had noticed his girlfriend engrossed in her phone, smiling and occasionally laughing. Suspicious, he intervened and inspected the device.

Upon reading the message, his anger flared, prompting him to summon me for an explanation.

That’s the funny story behind “The Painless Mountain.” All the other poems do have their stories and I hope to share them with you in subsequent publications.

1. The Painless Mountain

Looking at your being, I’m moved to draw you with my words as an artist.

But my ink suffers a great defeat because you are a lot to paint with a drop of ink.

My fingers weary and whiten as a leper.

The Great Wall of China was built by awesome brains,

Burj Khalifa was created by magic brains,

The unimaginable ingenuity nature of human

Brought to fruition the Egyptian pyramid.

All of those are the most fearful emissions of humans but you,

You have outwitted each work laid on the ground.

There you go again, stepping majestically;

Across the street, your shape occupies the road as Black Star Square.

Your back is fortified as the army of Alexander the Great.

You carry a painless mountain.

I desire your mountain to quake on me, somewhere on a peaceful battlefield. 

You make my heart crawl the floor of romance,

I strive to leap over to your cherished abode,

But you are surrounded by the beauty of nature, so therefore,

My heart coils and freezes whenever I attempt reaching you.

You are a true reflection of let us make man in our own image.

2. Dripping with beauty

Who is this glittering as stars in the skies?

Illuminating my world as sunny days in Africa?

Smiling broad and wide to cut asunder my slime heart.

Long arms that can reach my face in a distance.

Fearfully, carefully, marvelously designed and built.

Bones well architecturally formed by her maker.

And flesh laid exactly where it belong without a missing or broken link.

Lady, you are magic, you are extravagant and extremely exquisite.

3. I Speak My Love for You into The Microphone

Woke up early in the morning and I ran to the studio

I have a lot on my mind I wanna speak

But your love is so heavy on my voice, I can only whisper

Baby don’t be shy

Today, am going to let the world know how I feel about you

Be my prince charming, my knight and shinning amour,

Be my Superman, my ready-to-ride

4. Strange lovers

Sunday morning, we fell in love.

Monday morning, we broke up.

Tuesday, I left her a note; asking for my shoelace.

Wednesday, we ran into each other, and we left speechless.

Thursday, we were far from sight.

Friday evening, I needed somewhere to clear my mind, then we ran into each other at the club; dancing to the same tune.

Saturday, we swore it was over.

Sunday morning, we were hiding behind the same curtain.

After an hour, I called her a whore, she slapped me and called me a flirt.

But she gave me a grand, can’t tell why.

Next Sunday, I’ll go to church at dawn.

5. Your beauty is charming

Ultimate power is in the hands of the Most High.

And He built you in a way that made you too beautiful for the human eye.

Garnished with a fine container, choose a skin color that sparkles in the dark.

The more I gaze, I want to hold firm and draw you closer to my dark skin to share your light.

Every night I dream, and we’re so much in love, we can’t let go of each other, we kiss down to the throats and look in amazement.

What magic you are! If I lose you, I’ll shed tears of sea.

To you, it is another carefully crafted lyric.

Sure, it is, yet they came from the heart which long for you, waited to find someone like you.

6. Shy face

How much I desire to overpower who you love

Take over your noble and sober heart.

Stay around to watch that peaceful shy mild face all my life.

Always to know before I wake up; that there’s a woman whose heart beats for me.

The first time you walked through that door, you stole my emotions, locked me in your world,

I struggle each time to get over the taste of love you left in me.

7. Save the Date

Pull me, hold me, let me sit on your thighs.

I love you, need you, and you are the only one I am into.

Many men came along, they wanted this noble heart; never did I give them the key, but when I saw you, I knew you were the one I wanted.

So, pull me, hold me, let me sit on your lap, feed me, play with me in the blue atmosphere.

I will give all of me.

Welcome to the blue paradise, a kingdom reserved for you and me, a symbol of my love dedicated to you.

Let me in as I did, promise you will never leave my heart broken on the wall and redecorate my face with pain.

Dear, look into me, there you will find a strong woman, who will bind your wounds when sliced by the blade of love.

Let us dance in our favorite color, on our favorite tune. Sing the song we learned at two and tease our bodies with love written in blue.

8. Virtuous Woman

When I knocked on your door, you opened it.
Thank you for letting me in, do you have a space for me in your heart?
Tell me am not asking for too much

Your presence melts mountains, your speech makes me go silent.
Every time I close my eyes, I see you, you are my dreams when I sleep
You are the firmament that curves over me

My shade, my sight, and my breath
Fair as princess, pretty as virtuous woman
Your wisdom is light

When I am with you, all I feel is eternity
I thought I lost my life, of course, I did
But with you, the world is a better place

Thank God who directed your path to mine
Oh, my day, my light, my brightness over my darkness
Gently press your tender lips against mine and stay close to my heart

You are the treasure fortune hunters seek
The world may be crazy, but not you

9. Love on the Bed of Roses

Am forever waiting for you, loving you is like sleeping in roses.
Never wanna wake up from my dream.
Tell me how much you care for me.

Will you stay with me till the end of time?
I promise I will never leave your heart broken on the wall.
I will bring you under my shelter, give you my name, and treat you right at every age.

It’s love on the bed of roses.
Give me your hand, never hold back a thing.
It’s love on the bed of roses

Write your love across my heart, write it in bold.
Stitch it on my forehead, tattoo it on my neck.
Will forever wear your love as a perfume of ‘the good old days’.

10. Something I Never Got from any Lover Except You

The way you touched me, how you kissed me, made me feel helpless but safe in your arms.

You looked at me like a lost child in the middle of the street and I want to fly over heavy trucks like a supergirl to save you.

Your touch is like a dagger through my chest but I trust the process so I lay still counting on you.

How you loved me is something I never got from any lover except you.

11. What a Sweet Thing

You have the best shape, lips made of honey, and you flow like a stream.

Watching you gasps for breath, reached out to my face to feel the lines.

You taste like a morning 🍷 wine. What a sweet thing you are and a mild lover.

12. Trapped in The Web of Your Coyness

Trapped in the web of thy coyness

Trapped in the web of your coyness.

Thy soft-spoken voice liquified the iceberg Titanic couldn’t escape.

Thy silence created a flower garden around my age.

You touched and girded my loin with sensations.

You played my favorite tune on my birthday with the beads on your waist.

A multitude of great sighs parade our paradise, a sigh of relief from a princess.

Looking in thine eyes, my body could not disobey thy authority.

You made me breathe from my belly and thine scream plucked a star to guide us through the dark night.

You got me thinking in the middle of the night as a prisoner of love.

We shared ourselves as communion on a sacred day.

My blood rages as a storm in thy presence.

Willingly surrendered to thy witty Taoist crafts.

As thine arm belted out the bar firmly, and thy head resting on the other tenderly, I crawled, the stairs as a beggar to find grace in thine sight.


With the examples above, you can write your sweet long messages after sex. Take a moment and think of the things you appreciate about your partner.

It could be a part of his or her body, how they make love, or things they say when being intimate.

Alright family, that’s it for today. Let me hear from you in the comments below. I want to know which of the poems you will be sending your partner.

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