
17 Ways to Text a Girl for The First Time – Guide to Text Your Crush

The first text is easy when you nail your first approach. Check how to approach a girl first time and get her number, if you are still searching. When you leave great first impression, first text becomes simple. But if that’s not your case, you can still work your way through by following this tutorial….

The first text is easy when you nail your first approach. Check how to approach a girl first time and get her number, if you are still searching. When you leave great first impression, first text becomes simple.

But if that’s not your case, you can still work your way through by following this tutorial. Even if you did well, leaving a great first impression, this guide will help you deliver an awesome first text.

1. Sign the Text with Your Name

According to Martin Artisan of Attractive Man, unless you happened to exchange contact on the spot and saved your number with your name on her phone, make sure you always sign the first text with your name.

When you write your first text, add your name so she knows who is texting and also add where you met to make her remember you easily.

You want her to know who you are.

2. Send A Video If You Met at Night

So, she easily figures you out, sends a video message.

You are probably not the only one she handed over her number over the night, and all of these other guys will be texting her, so, a video message will set you apart and make her reconnect with you.

You can make your video more interesting by playing her favorite music at the background, displaying her favorite color, eating her best food, watching her favorite movie etc.

3. Mention Things You Talked About Previously

When you send your first text, don’t make it bloat, but it will be very attractive if you can include a few words about what you talked about when you met.

It makes her feel that you were paying close attention. This will generally make her want to give you a shot because you have a listening ear.

4. Be Friendly and Direct

Instead of easing in to the reason for texting her, rather go straight to the point. Girls like guys who are bold with their first text.

5. Make Your Text Playful

Another way you want to send your first text is to make it playful and fun. Instead of leaving a raw boring text in her inbox, you want to send something that is captivating.

It doesn’t mean you should send a long text, or become poetic, but write the kind of text she can relate to and not too official.

6. Don’t Wait Too Long to Send First Text

While it’s tempting to show her that you are not needy, waiting longer before texting can simply remove every memory she had of you.

Remember, she meets many guys on daily basis who are vying for her attention.

So, make it quick. Don’t wait for more than a day. 4 hours will be idea.

7. Structure Your Message

Ask her about her day, mention something about your previous conversation, then get to the point. All of these makes her feel comfortable with you.

Because you show interest in her wellbeing and also demonstrates with your text that she is valuable by reminding her of something she said in the past meeting, she finds you charming.

8. Ask Her Out After Couple of Texts

According to Martin Artisan, after about first 5 texts, he is ready to ask a girl out on date.

You want to ask her out as quick as possible as she still have you on her mind.

When you engage in too many texts, and you happened to miss the point where her expectation was high about you asking her out, she will lose interest.

9. Calling Sets You Apart from The Rest of The Guys

Texting is great and fun. When you first got her number, it will be nice texting her.

At this point, you can let her have your number, and start a conversation.

But the most important part is letting her know you will want to speak to her on phone to get to hear her voice, feel her sense of humor, know her more.

The initial role text plays, is exchange of contact, and also scheduling the time to call her. Your voice will leave more impact than text.

10. Don’t Send Many Texts in A Row

While it is great to check up on a new girl, too many texts do not only make you needy but it shows you have little or absolutely nothing going on in your life apart from connecting with her.

Texting once in the morning or somewhere in the day is acceptable but aggressive texting like sending messages in every hour is not recommended.

It looks creepy.

11. Don’t Take Too Long to Reply Her Text

While over texting is bad, delaying replies will only make her forget you and move on.

She will think you are no longer interested in her or you are not serious. It shouldn’t take 2 days to reply her text.

12. Have Something Going on In Your Life

Building a career for yourself is very important.

Have something worth your attention, in that, you wouldn’t spend all of your time waiting on her reply or busy talking or texting her.

13. Update Your WhatsApp Status with Your Success Story

Another way to communicate with a girl and not look needy is by taking advantage of technology.

You don’t want to get too busy with social media and let it consume your life, but if there’s an achievement you are excited about and feel like sharing with friends, you can upload it to your status.

When she checks it, it will indirectly tell her that you have other things going on in your life.

Also, if you happen to go out with friends, once in a while you can update your status with it.

It makes her understand that you have other people in your life.

She may even go ahead to leave a comment on your status which may lead to a conversation.

14. Text Her Next Day If You Met at Night

Unless she triggers night text, don’t be the one starting it.

When you meet at night, wait till the following day, especially if you are not sure of her relationship status.

15. Avoid Texting Meaningless Messages

We will all admit that a text message from a sales company is annoying.

But nothing is annoying than receiving an ambiguous message from a complete stranger.

Many years ago, I sent random characters to a girl, for whatever reason, I can’t recall, and she got back trying to figure out what those words meant.

Her reply showed she was pissed off.

So, to save myself, I told her, “Oh sorry, left my phone on my desk and a kid was playing with it. It might be you received that message from the kid.”

When you text abbreviations that are not widely used or you send random texts she can’t understand, she thinks you don’t have self-control and you are immature.

16. Read Your Text Over Before Sending

The purpose of texting is to communicate your feelings.

If you send texts with a bunch of spelling errors and a chuck of emojis she can hardly understand what you are communicating.

In a nutshell, she will think you are an idiot, and no matter how charming you were the previous day, she will think you are not intelligent.

17. Stop Using Infrequent Vocabularies

Again, your first text is to spark a conversation. When you text words that are hard to understand, she completely ignores your text.

Don’t come off as an educationist or a scholar, rather, a regular dude who wants a connection with a fellow human being who happens to be his opposite sex.

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